Welcome to Source Parent Health!

A journey to be the parent you are meant to be by connecting to your Source

With a Health Coach, you too can win at the Olympics of TIME = Thoughts that Influence Money + Energy

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Wellness E-Book

Download your Free eBook: The Prepared TeenAdult

Prompts to guide you and your child towards the progress they wish to make to get back to your/their energy and influence in the world. Share with your children and students but also reflect on the prompts for yourself. “we must not prepare the road for the child but prepare the child for the road”. So, if you have to be the one leading this preparation, would’nt you have to be at the top of your game too? Benefits: Free newsletter. Free eBook. Free health planning call

24 mins

Box 3

Content of Box 3

Box 4

Content of Box 4

Build your wellness lifestyle with our courses!

Level 1: Build Your STEM

Focuses on reducing your weight and preventing diabetes

Level 2: GERM Health

Builds on ideas of STEM, focuses on your digestive health

Level 3: Build TIME

Go beyond basic habits and build your TIME, build mentality



Let us redefine fitness to thriving and for thriving one needs to be connected to the Source. So that means we need to be less domesticated and more in the flow of how nature designed us. How do we balance this life of living on the cusp of nature and domestication or urbanization? So, to be fit, you need to build some skills to keep you away from fear once the danger is over and to be connected to your source of energy and motivation and love in order to be truly fit and thriving. Welcome to Source Parent Health Fitness.


Nutrition is a word that has been used rather as a cliche in the last decade. However there is way more to it than simply adding some vitamins and isolated minerals to our body. Sometimes we start to even think of our food as micro and macronutrients and make it almost mechanistic as how much of protein, carbs and fat we are supposed to eat. How does it make you feel to eat food this way? You will learn what nourishes you truly and how nutrition goes way beyond food, vitamins, supplements, proteins, carbs and fats.



Dont you want to enjoy your food without thinking too much about the nutrients? However, you also want your favourite foods to nourish you for energy and not upset your stomach or give you ulcers and headaches or add more weight to your body than you need to. How does it all work? Why do some people eat whatever they want and yet stay slim and energetic while some of us count each calorie and weight each nutrient and yet we add on love handles, swelling in our joints or worse off get acidity or ulcers and headaches? This is where Source Parent Health will help you understand how you are processing foods and also get you back to making choices that give you the flavours you want rather than to satisfy cravings.

E-Book Cover
The Prepared TeenAdult

Share with your children and students but also reflect on the prompts for yourself. “we must not prepare the road for the child but prepare the child for the road”. So, if you have to be the one leading this preparation, would’nt you have to be at the top of your game too?

Get a free viewing of our e-book!



Khalid Parvez

Engineer, United States

Source Parent Health gives you amazing results

It has been a pleasure working with Sarah for the last 4 months in the Source Parent Health coaching program. I am looking forward to accomplishing more health goals going forward. With Sarah’s health coaching, I was able to lower my A1c from diabetic range to a healthy 5.6 in 3 months while enjoying my favorite foods when I wanted to. Sarah has a very intuitive method of coaching that gave me the tools to take lead on my weight, energy, sleep, and eating patterns.I would highly encourage anyone with diabetes and weight issues to enroll in Source Parent Health coaching program and see the amazing results for themselves in an enjoyable manner.


Arthur Walowski

Business Owner, Canada

Coaching with Sarah is easy to comprehend

I think the thing that stood out to me the most was how you were able to help me see food in a different way and how I wasn’t really thinking about what I was putting in my body. Once you helped me realize what I was doing wrong it definitely made it easier to comprehend.


Aparna Sharma

Senior HR Executive, India

Sarah is an asset

I have known Sarah as an astute professional for over a decade now, and a benevolent fellow human being. Committed, sharp, and extremely thorough with her work coupled with risk-taking ability which has alway smade her stand out from her other team members. She has demonstrated learning agility in a great variety of tasks that she has undertaken. Sarah is an absolute asset for any organization, client, and a great friend too!


Farzeen Rizvi

Professional Engineer, Canada

I experienced abundant energy with Sarah’s coaching

Sarah’s workshop has “re-calibrated” my perception on personal health and well-being; our most cherished gift. Sarah’s in-depth knowledge on the subject, and motivation, is apparent in her delivery. Her approach on nutrition, emotional and spiritual health has allowed me to examine my life in a holistic manner, and enhance it. Weight loss and increased energy are just a few of the many benefits I have reaped from this workshop, . I feel privileged to have had the opportunity to engage with such a wonderful group of women. This series should become a permanent program offered to all families.


Sheila Osta

School Teacher, Karnataka India

With Sarah’s coaching I can see light at the end of the tunnel

It has been a few weeks since I have started my diabetes reversal journey with health coach Sarah Musavi. Sarah takes a keen interest in hearing me out without rushing through the session. I must admit that each session has been truly intriguing and engaging . She is so very dedicated that we lose track of time going beyond an hour sometimes. I feel truly inspired and encouraged about my reversal process each time I have a session. I have now begun seeing the light at the end of my tunnel. I would definitely recommend you to give her a shot. It would well be worth your time. Kudos to you Sarah!

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Source Parent Health